Off Topic Channel! in Official Sonic Origins & Plus Community!

Come On! Show Us What You Have! :D

Guys go and join my new community it’s based for Galaga!


"Disgusting Black Creatures. Get out of my Sight."

Hero Mission Complete!

Score: 9112001.


"He Must be Cheating on me." - Amy

"Yeah, He Really Must be Cheating on you!" - Rouge


Thanks @HanMosh for the avatar frame!

My pac man figure came in! Though it was late I still think it’s pretty cool

Is it just me or is the water the only thing that’s high quality in Fortnite

I kinda plan the scrapped sonic 2 time travel for world of dragons. Let me know how this should work out in the world map.

I ordered this cool pac man toy that makes sounds and stuff. It should come In today or tomorrow they just so happened to have a January deals month in January which made it cheaper and I had a coupon. I just posted this cuz am bored

I want this so badly but I gotta wait until April for it to go back in stock😭


Here’s another pac-meme